A Target Market Determination is a document created by us which provides:
This document is not to be treated as a full summary of the product’s terms and conditions and is not intended to provide financial advice. Consumers must refer to any supplementary documents which outline the relevant terms and conditions when making a decision about this product. We strongly recommend that a customer seek independent financial and legal advice prior to taking out a financial services product.
We’re required to have Target Market Determinations under the Treasury Laws Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers) Act 2019.
This is to ensure we keep customers at the centre of our design and distribution of our financial products.
Accredited dealers or brokers engaging in retail product distribution under the Product Design and Distribution Obligation (PDDO) regulations, must report information outlined in the product Target Market Determination (TMD) within a specified timeframe to us.
If you’re looking to report or provide feedback in relation to our financial products as outlined in our TMD, you can: